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Rows, formula's, links & API's

Rofolia is a self-hosted collaborative database/spreadsheet hybrid

Rofolia Installation guide

Step 1: download the server app for your platform

Dowload the Rofolia app for your platform:

Step 2: Create a database

Rofolia requires a Postgresql database of version 9.6 or later.
Follow the instructions for your platform at:
Rofolia requires a database with read and write access. The tables for Rofolia will be created through the admin interface in step 4.

Step 3: Configure your installation

Your Rofolia installation requires these environment variables:
host and port to start server on
port for the websocket server to run on
host to base all the links in the app on (might be different from SERVER_BIND if running behind a proxy)
Directory to store uploaded files. The directory must exist and be writable.
The database and user must exist
The password to access the admin dashboard at /admin

Step 4: Finish the setup

Run the application with the environment variables set in step 3. You should now be able to get to the admin dashboard at /admin. [For a local installation that will be http://localhost:8080/admin] Login with username "admin" and the password you defined under ADMIN_PWD in step 3.
When you run the application for the first time, you will need to create the database schema by clicking on the "Create db schema" button.

You are now ready to create accounts, login and use Rofolia!

Next: try the demo walkthrough

Follow the demo walkthrough to get familiar with the features of Rofolia.

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